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Border Update 2-1-2025

The last ten days have felt like a mashup of the CA wildfires and the deadly D.C. plane crash. But I’m not going to rant. We all read, watch and listen. I’m sure you’re paying attention in your own community too. How will your local county sheriff and city police respond to ICE? Are your schools, medical facilities, and places of worship ready…just in case? Locally, our Indivisible group is distributing the poster you see above. If you want some to post, let me know or I can forward it to you as a JPEG file and you can print your own. We want them in as many places as possible! They’re 11×17. They include info about the Mexican app, ConsulApp Contigo, that allows Mexican citizens to quickly contact their consulate if apprehended by ICE. The rights are the same everywhere, only the local contact for legal help is specific to southern NM.

For now our Border Justice Project is essentially on hold. No US shelters are receiving guests and we’re waiting to see what will happen in Palomas. All humanitarian aid groups are on pause so as to not endanger immigrants or themselves with the new administration. We’re using our funds to print the above posters for Indivisible in our community and providing some minimal support to the fire station shelter in Palomas.

I told you last month that we would be doing another collection of medical equipment and garden equipment/tools for Border Partners in Palomas. Obviously it didn’t happen. But it will later this spring. Stay tuned!

Now some news about Deming, which a lot of you have been asking about.

Colores United is excited to announce their collaborative relationship with Project Comunidad, southern New Mexico’s newest non-profit. After years of providing newly arrived guests with humane treatment, love and respect, CU will continue to be ambassadors of peace and justice. But until there are major US policy changes their work will go on behind the scenes. They will maintain their federal status to support peers wherever their expertise, wisdom and experience will be beneficial.

Project Comunidad, with Jan Millis as their executive director, has as their mission to “provide emergency relief to individuals and families; empowering them to meet their basic human needs and achieve stability in their lives.” Food, Clothing, Shelter, as well as Love and Belonging. Jan and her staff were at the reins of Colores United for the past year before the new federal administration took control. As Project Comunidad they are now able to serve the entire Deming community and the guests that find themselves at their door.

If you have made, or continue to make financial contributions to our Border Justice Project, we will maintain and disburse those funds to serve the same populations we originally committed to in Deming and Palomas, and more recently at other points in southern NM. I will continue writing emails as we know more.

You may go to Border Justice Donation, or you can mail checks made out to UUFSC (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City) with ‘Border’ in the memo line to UUFSC, PO Box 4034, Silver City, NM 88062
💞 🙏 ~Barbara
“Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.”   Cornel West